Spinners don't scale

September 2022

Spinner-first vs local-first

When a user clicks, swipes or types in a UI, the ideal reaction would consist of two things: first, a confirmation that the gesture was understood successfully (for instance, the letter you typed appears on the screen, or the button you clicked changes colour), as the application transitions from the 'idle' to the 'processing' state. And second, either the UI contents is updated to the new resulting state (in the case of success) or an error message is shown (in the case of failure) as the application transitions back to 'idle'.

If the application's code is spread out over multiple servers with network delays between them, the developer has two options: keep the UI in the 'processing' state until all ripple effects of the user's action have propagated to all corners of the network, and news about that has travelled back all the way to the device that is displaying the UI, or go back to 'idle' state even if not all effects of the action have been confirmed yet.

In the first case a spinner can be shown; to tell the user to wait, and also to cover up parts of the UI for which the old contents is known to be stale but the new correct contents is not known yet. We might therefore call this approach 'spinner-first', because after each actions, first, a spinner is shown.

In the second case, the UI might still display that it is in a 'syncing' or 'offline' state for as long as the ripple effects of a user's action might still cause that action to fail, or for as long as closing the application on the local device might still lead to data loss - or at least to other users elsewhere not seeing the intended results of your action. This approach is often called 'offline-first' or 'local-first', meaning that the user's action completes locally first, and its results ripple out to other network nodes second, but also that the developer should think about local or about offline first, and worry about online or remote second (in the same way as the term 'mobile-first' from the 2010s means that startups should cater for smartphone users first, before worrying too much about desktop users).

Federated Data

A recurring theme in my research is data portability and federated data architectures. In particular, in Federated Bookkeeping we look at networks of sovereign systems, where each node in a network is free to choose its own software stack and data model, and peering with other nodes comes second ("local architecture requirements first").

Also, different links in a Federated Bookkeeping network might use different and unrelated sync protocols, in terms of data transport, sync coordination, as well as data representation ("heterogeneous network links").

Additionally, nodes in a Federated Bookkeeping network are sovereign in the sense that they each consider their own data store as the primary source of truth ("local truth first"). Data coming in from other nodes might be considered trusted, depending on which nodes is making statements about which part of the data, or it might keep its 'foreign' label on it. A good example of this is the GitHub web editor; when a project contributor makes a change, this change can be committed immediately. But when an outsider tries to do the same, the proposed change is captured in a PR instead.

Ripple effects take time

In large applications like for instance facebook.com, eventual consistency is often used to show the results of an action faster, even though its effects have not yet propagated to each database server. For instance, an object may have been created successfully, but it is not showing up in search results until 15 minutes later. It would be undesirable to make the user look at a spinner for 15 minutes in this case.

Even more so, when multiple systems are loosely linked together using for instance webhooks across domain boundaries, there is no safe way for an application to wait for all other possible applications in the network to complete the effects of a user's action.

First of all, say in a network of 10 systems, if 1 system is down, the other 9 would be showing spinners in a domino effect. Waiting for effects in foreign systems to complete would lead to undesirable tight coupling.

Second, the larger the network grows, the longer the possible multi-hop paths of ripple effects, and the longer the maximum wait times.

These two problems mean that spinners basically don't scale to federated systems. They only work in isolated applications where the user's data is siloed. Even if a spinner-first approach works for a single application, as soon as that application joins a data federation, reliably displaying the spinner becomes infeasible.

Luckily, in Federated Bookkeeping we assume that each system adheres to "local truth first", so we expect that in many cases it will not even be the user's expectation that data integrity exists across domain boundaries. So let's forget about spinners and build local-first apps!

One question that arises though, is how to link various heterogeneous local-first apps together. CRDTs give guarantees about how little the data will have to be changed, and how little of the intent of a user's local changes will be lost, when remote changes come in or when ripple effects hit constraints elsewhere.

However, this guarantee can only be given if each node uses not only the same data model, but also the same algorithm to apply updates to the data. In that sense, mandating each node in a data federation to use a certain CRDT would be too restrictive, and would violate the "local architecture requirements first" principle mentioned above.

So what can we do to solve this? Well, we don't know yet. :) This is an exciting area of research that we hope to be working on during the coming months. Come to our Gitter channel if you want to follow the conversation!